EWEEK Expo at IIT-Rice Campus: Structural engineers to explore engineering with students


DuPage Area Engineer’s Week Committee has scheduled an open house for Saturday, Feb. 27, 2016  from 10:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. at Illinois Institute of Technology’s Daniel F. and Ada L. Rice Campus at 201 East Loop Rd., Wheaton. This program includes free public activities.

Visitors are invited to explore engineering with members of the Chicagoland engineering community. The theme for this year’s program: “Engineering: A Gateway to Tomorrow’s Technology”.

The expo includes interactive displays and presentations designed to enhance children’s interest in math, science, and of course engineering.

The DuPage Program, now on its 32th year, is a joint effort among professional engineering and scientific societies, area national laboratories, businesses, educational institutions and community organizations.

Structural engineers Bob Johnson, Carol Drucker, Jan Blok and others are expected to introduce budding young engineers at the Structural Engineers Association of Illinois (SEAOI)  exhibit.

Johnson’s structural engineering models and ‘toys’ provide an enriching hands-on practical application of structural engineering principles, a SEAOI news release says.

Meanwhile, Drucker’s display on bridges provides students and adults insight into the design of bridges. Expect a discussion on the failure/reasons for the tragic 2007 Minneapolis bridge failure.

Children will be able to design and test their own bridge with a computer program.


As well, the secret world of how buildings stand up will be revealed during a lecture by structural engineer Larry Novak. Using engineering marvels including the world’s tallest tower, the Burj Khalifa, and the Trump Tower Chicago, the engineering principals of structures will be discovered. An engineer’s tools of the trade such as the amazing strength of shapes, structural materials, wind engineering and sustainability will be uncovered in this interactive and educational program. A hands-on shake table will allow students to construct their own LEGO building designs and test them to destruction under a simulated earthquake. The presentation will be geared to inspire students to study math, science, architecture and engineering. Prizes will be given to selected children who can construct an “earthquake resistant” structure.

lego building

This expo introduces students of all ages and their parents to the current state of technology and advances being made throughout engineering industry, SEAOI says in its news release.

For more information, see www.dupageeweek.iit.edu or call the IIT-Rice Campus Office at (630) 682-6040.



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