$12 million permit issued to convert former St. Cornelius school to CPS preschool

St Cornelius school

A $12 million project has started to convert the former St. Cornelius School at 5252 N. Long into a Chicago Public Schools pre-kindergarten facility.

K.R. Miller Contractors, Inc. is the general contractor. The Chicago building permit issued on April 11 says “the work will include alteration of the existing interior room layout, new roof top units, re-roofing and new exterior accessible ramps and stairs.” As well, “there will be cosmetic repair work to the exterior façade.”

Subtrades include: Electrical – Candor Electric, Inc.; masonry – Piazza and Mannerino Masonry, Inc.; plumber/plumbing – Drive Construction, Inc.; refrigeration – Complete Mechanical Piping LLC; and ventilation – MG Mechanical.


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