Vue53 University of Chicago project to start despite controversy

An appellate court ruling has cleared the way for the construction of Vue53, a 13-story building on 53rd St., overcoming objections by neighbors unhappy with the University of Chicago’s project.
The building at 1330 E. 53rd, is in a stretch of low-rise buildings.
Reports indicate the general contractor is James McHugh Construction and the project was designed by Valerio Dewalt Train Associates. The developer on the project is Mesa Development, LLC.
Michael Scott, the lead plaintiff in the suit, has been quoted as saying: “At this point, the project moves forward and I’m not planning on pouring sugar in any gas tanks.”  He said there are no clear avenues to appeal and he and others opposed to the project will focus on making sure that promises of local jobs and affordable housing are kept.

“At this point, the project moves forward and I’m not planning on pouring sugar into any gas tanks,” said Michael Scott, the lead plaintiff in suit.

The project includes 267 apartments with ground floor retail, in a 135-foot tower.  Construction originally was supposed to start in 2014.


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